Games ans Sancuaries in Ancient Greece, Kapon Editions


  • Product Code: D07678 [7678]
  • Availability: Available within 1 - 3 business days
  • Date added: 07/11/2013

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  • 117.00€

The book "Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece" attempts to give prominence to the close connection between ancient games, gods, heroes and their sanctuaries. The pages of this new publication present four major Panhellenic festivals, the Olympic, Pythian, Nemean and Isthmian festivals, and one great local celebration, the Panathenaia, along with the sanctuaries at which the games were held: Olympia, Delphi, Nemea, Isthmia and Athens respectively.The buildings and general plans of the ancient sanctuaries, the achievements of the gods and heroes, the primeval myths and the history of the games are all set forth in clear, academically documented texts. Views of the sites, plans, a variety of finds from the excavations - sculptures and pottery, metalworks, coins and inscriptions - illustrate the texts and give a clear picture of both the sanctuaries and games and also the ancient myths.

Author: Panos Valavanis (Professor of Classical Archaeology, Athens University)

Publisher: Kapon Eitions

ISBN: 960-7037-43-X

Description: 448 pages, Cloth hard cover, 25 X 31cm, 650 illustrations, 40 drawings, 10 maps. Text in English.

Condition: NEW COPY.


Shipping weight: 2.500 gr

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