Necropolis of Gonur, Kapon Editions


  • Product Code: [7703]
  • Availability: In Stock & ready to ship!
  • Date added: 10/11/2013

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  • 46.00€

Gonur was the most important city in the kingdom of Margiana (Turkmenistan). The cemetery of Gonur, which was excavated by Victor Sarianidi, yielded about 3,000 tombs, dating from the end of the 3rd to the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. This book contains the results of the excavations, anthropological observations based on the skeletons found, and a large number and wide variety of finds. These works bear witness to the splendid flowering of the art of Margiana in the 2nd millennium BC.

Author: Victor Sarianidi (Archaeologist, Honorary Member of the Russian Scientific Academy)

Publisher: Kapon Editions

ISBN: 978-960-7037-85-5

Description: 352 pages, Paperback, 20,5 X 27,5 cm, 385 illustrations. Text in English.

Condition: NEW COPY.


Shipping weight: 900 gr

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