Margiana and Protozoroastrism, Kapon Editions


  • Product Code: D07702 [7702]
  • Availability: Out of stock
  • Date added: 10/11/2013

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Twenty-five years ago, V. Sarianidi discovered a hitherto unknown civilization of the second millennium BC in Margiana (Turkmenistan), in the Caracorum desert. Ιt was founded by Indo-Iranian tribes whose religion, known as “Iranian Paganism”, formed the basis of Zoroastrism.
The results of the Margiana excavations are of great importance to our understanding of the ancient civilizations of Asia. In addition to pottery, stone, bone and metal objects, seals, and sculpture, there were also discoveries of monumental buildings, temples and palaces, as well as rich tombs, revealing the existence of a unique Central Asian civilization that enjoyed direct relations both with the peoples of the Near East and with the Aegean world.

Author: Victor Sarianidi (Archaeologist, Honorary Member of the Russian Scientific Academy)

Publisher: Kapon Editions

ISBN: 960-7254-61-9

Description: 192 pages, Hardcover, 23 X 30 cm, 102 duo tone illustrations. Text in English.

Condition: NEW COPY.

Shipping weight: 1.500 gr

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